Hands on Skilling

People with disabilities and the Elderly, require skills to engage in livelihood activities. But they start with a number of disadvantages, many under minding them. Their access to available opportunities is narrowed down by their restricted basic education, physical strength and poor mindset developed due to life experience as they grow. Many end up, unqualified to join skills training courses, leading to lack of skills, low confidence, expectations and achievement. Amidst the diverse skills available for these communities, for successful work, a lot is required to set them to realize that they can, leading to acceptance and owning the intervention.

The available skilling include those provided at the household level, we refer to as ‘foundation skills’ acquired through education and family life, technical and professional skills which enable a person to undertake a particular activity or task. However, over 60% of these groups have dropped this skill due to lack of support by the community, fierce competition from the able persons and inadequate support from the available community policies. It there turn out that the skills which was intended to succeed in self-employment and core life skills, including attitudes, knowledge and personal attributes, have done little.

The role of Equality Approach Uganda is to enable people with disabilities and elderly to come out of long developed emotions that affects them embrace opportunities, access work, by actively promoting and facilitating the acquisition of relevant environment, knowledge, skills and attitudes.


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